Power line five step production process

1. Copper wire drawing, is the first process of power line production, at room temperature, the application of wire drawing machine through one or several drawing mold holes, so that the section is reduced, the length is added, the strength is improved.

2. The single wire of the power line is annealed. When the copper wire is heated to the necessary temperature, the toughness of the single wire is improved and the strength of the single wire is reduced by recrystallization, so as to meet the requirements of the wire and cable on the conductive core. The key of annealing process is the oxidation of copper wire.

3. In order to improve the flexibility of the power cord and facilitate the laying of the device, the conductive wire core accepts multiple single wires twisted. In terms of the stranded mode of the conductor core, it can be divided into regular stranded and irregular stranded. Irregular twisting is divided into bundle twisting, unison double twisting, extraordinary twisting, etc. In order to reduce the occupied area of the wire, reduce the geometric size of the power line, in the stranded conductor is also used in the compact way, so that the popular circle is changed into semicircle, fan, tile shape and compact circle.

4 Power line mainly adopts extruded solid insulation layer (insulated extrusion)

In order to guarantee the forming degree and reduce the deformation of the power line, the 5-core power line needs to be twisted into a circle.